until last week, hadn't picked up the camera due to a full time waitressing job i picked up to give myself the leeway to enjoy photography again.
"yes! a wedding." never thought i'd hear those words enter my thoughts. but alas, i actually enjoyed shooting a wedding, although it was an andrejka wedding, so i guess is its always enjoyable. i found myself shooting for myself during the spare moments of the bus ride out back from the ceremony at pictured rocks--this is where the first image comes from (although i'm tempted to put it up in b&w). i was surprised at my newfound fervor for shooting, as i no longer ever think about my own eye at weddings that i second shoot.
my second wind of shocking inspiration came after this wreched bike accident. motherfucker on the wrong side of the road in the complete dark slams right into me. had to shoot anyways. tired, i forgot most of my gear downtown.
when i went back for it, i couldn't stop shooting.